- Displays multiple text boxes for single input.
- Can be used for serial number, ssn, phone number or other similar inputs.
- Input can be restricted to numbers.
- Input can be restricted to letters.
- Input can be restricted to apha numeric values.
- Width is automatically calculated based on the following parameters:
- The number of characters
- Input type (numeric characters take less space than alphabetic characters)
- Uppercase/lowercase characters (lower case characters take less space than uppercase characters)
- Auto conversion to uppercase or lowercase characters as specified.
- Auto focuses next part/textbox after the required characters are entered.
- Auto focuses previous part/textbox on backspace.
- You can specify the number of textboxes to be displayed along with a separator.
- Hint can also be displayed to the right of textboxes.
- Examples have been provided.
- value: The text that is displayed in the textboxes.
- inputCount: It is the number of text boxes to be displayed.
- separator: It is the separator for each part of the input.
- hint: It is a label that is displayed to the right of the text boxes.
- hintCssClass: It is the CSS class for hint.
- inputLengths: It is comma separated lengths for the text boxes.
- cssClasses: It is comma separated CSS classes for the text boxes.
- charCase: It is case of the characters (none/uppercase/lowercase).
- inputType: It is input type of the text boxes (none/alphabetic/numeric/alphanumeric).
- allowDecimalPoint: It indicates whether decimal point should be allowed for numeric input type.
- allowSpaceForAlphabeticType: It indicates whether white space should be allowed for alphabetic and alpha numeric input types.
- value(): It gets text of the textboxes.
- vlaue(value): It sets text of the textboxes.
- isEmpty(): It determines whether all text boxes are empty or contain only white spaces.
- isInputComplete(ignoreWhiteSpace): It determines whether values have been entered with the required length in all text boxes.
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